Esta canción es la primera de su álbum 21. Adele dijo que la gente que la escuchase, no encontraría una canción de queja o lloriqueo, aquel que la escuchase, sentiría que no bromeaba, no daba ningún valor a la pérdida del amante. Gran parte del álbum 21 trata de la vida de Adele después de mantener una relación de amor tumultuosa. " Estaba molesta con el curso que tomaba mi vida privada, pero ese era el momento de mi vida y el que que me inspiró éste 21, probablemente debido a ello, el sabor a la totalidad del disco es amargo " el pensamiento de Adele fue llamar a la canción " nosotros podríamos tenerlo todo " pero no quiso que se pudiera confundir con una de título muy similar de Whitney Houston, por eso tomó la decisión de llamarla Rolling in the deep.
Adele explicó a la revista Rolling Stone que Rolling in the deep es una adaptación de la jerga inglesa que se traduce como..siempre tendrás a alguien detrás..como...siempre tendrás a alguien que vendrá a ayudarte a luchar contra ello. No fue así...Adele escribió la canción tres horas después de romper con su novio, en un principio Adele quería escribir una balada, pero el productor Paul Epworth la animó para que escribiese una canción más enérgica.
Según Billboard esta fue la canción más importante de los últimos 25 años apareciendo en 12 formatos diferentes. Se convirtió en el álbum más vendido del siglo XXI en el Reino Unido por encima de Back to Black de Amy Winehouse.
Según el New York Post, el ex novio que inspiró gran parte de 21 es un británico, músico / actor llamado Slinky Winfield, quien formó parte círculo londinense de amigos de Adele.

La Revista Heat publicó un nombre diferente, al identificar al hombre que ha inspirado este y las otras canciones desgarradoras de 21, como el fotógrafo Alex Sturrock.
Adele y Sturrock mantuvieron una relación desde el verano de 2008 hasta abril de 2009.
Adele y Sturrock mantuvieron una relación desde el verano de 2008 hasta abril de 2009.
En noviembre de 2011 en los Premios Grammy, cantó esta canción. Adele ganó seis premios Grammy en la ceremonia - "Mejor Canción, Mejor Disco y Mejor Video Musical, Mejor Versión corta por esta canción, álbum del año y Mejor Álbum Vocal Pop por 21 , también Mejor Interpretación Pop por Someone Like You ".
"Este disco está inspirado en algo muy normal, todo el mundo ha pasado por eso, una relación de basura. Ha sido el año que más ha cambiado mi vida, en todos los sentidos", dijo durante su discurso de aceptación de Mejor Álbum.
Versiones de esta canción podemos encontrar cientos. De hecho es la canción más popular en los Karaokes de Uk..Aquí os dejo algunas versiones..
This song is the first simple one of his album 21. Adele demonstrated that the people that listened the song, in spite of treating on the dislike, would feel that she was not fooling about not even complaining whining as a silly girl, but giving her value to if same after suffering the perfidy of her lover. Great part of the album 21 is brings over of Adele's life after supporting a tumultuous loving relation. " I was very annoyed by the course that it was taking my personal life, but this I was the moment of my life and the one that me inspired this one 21, probably because of it the flavor of the totality of the disc is bitter "
Adele thought to call to the song " we could have it all " but she did not want that s and it was confusing with one of Whitney Houston's very similar title, because of it it, took the decision to be call her Rolling in the deep. Adele explain to the magazine Rolling Stone that Rolling in the deep is an adjustment of the English slang that is translated like .. always you will have someone behind.. Since always you will have someone who will come to help you to fight against it. It was not like that... Adele wrote the song three hours after breaking with his boyfriend, in a beginning Adele wanted to write a ballad,but the producer Paul Epworth in order that he was writing a more energetic song. According to this Billboard it was the most important song of last 25 years appearing in 12 different formats. It turned into the album most sold of the century XXI.
According to the New York Post, the ex-boyfriend who inspired great part of 21 he is a British musician / actor called Slinky Winfield, who formed a part friends' London circle of Adele. The Magazine Heat published a different name, on having identified the man who has inspired this one and other heart-breaking songs on 21 as photographer Alex Sturrock. Adele and Sturrock supported a relation from the summer of 2008 until April, 2009. In November, 2011 in the Prizes Grammy, he sang this song. Adele gained six prizes Grammy in the ceremony - " Better Song, Better Disc and Better video Musically, Better Version Pop Cuts for this song, album of the year and Better Vocal Album for 21, also Better Interpretation Pop for Someone Like You ".
" This disc is inspired in something very normal, the whole world has happened because of it, a relation of garbage. It has been the year that more has changed my life, in every sense ", She said during her speech of acceptance of Better Album price.
Adele thought to call to the song " we could have it all " but she did not want that s and it was confusing with one of Whitney Houston's very similar title, because of it it, took the decision to be call her Rolling in the deep. Adele explain to the magazine Rolling Stone that Rolling in the deep is an adjustment of the English slang that is translated like .. always you will have someone behind.. Since always you will have someone who will come to help you to fight against it. It was not like that... Adele wrote the song three hours after breaking with his boyfriend, in a beginning Adele wanted to write a ballad,but the producer Paul Epworth in order that he was writing a more energetic song. According to this Billboard it was the most important song of last 25 years appearing in 12 different formats. It turned into the album most sold of the century XXI.
According to the New York Post, the ex-boyfriend who inspired great part of 21 he is a British musician / actor called Slinky Winfield, who formed a part friends' London circle of Adele. The Magazine Heat published a different name, on having identified the man who has inspired this one and other heart-breaking songs on 21 as photographer Alex Sturrock. Adele and Sturrock supported a relation from the summer of 2008 until April, 2009. In November, 2011 in the Prizes Grammy, he sang this song. Adele gained six prizes Grammy in the ceremony - " Better Song, Better Disc and Better video Musically, Better Version Pop Cuts for this song, album of the year and Better Vocal Album for 21, also Better Interpretation Pop for Someone Like You ".
" This disc is inspired in something very normal, the whole world has happened because of it, a relation of garbage. It has been the year that more has changed my life, in every sense ", She said during her speech of acceptance of Better Album price.
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