lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

AC/DC- You Shook Me All Night Long

Angus Young...Uno de los guitarristas más grandes del rock, siempre viste de colegial rindiendo homenaje al director del colegio que le expulsó en Sidney. Este maravilloso docente, repetía constantemente al señor Young, que era un fracasado, que la música rock era un limbo para vagos y que moriría en la indigencia. Al no conseguir doblegar la vocacíon de Angus, acabó siendo expulsado del internado al que asistía...Aquí os dejo una muestra de lo que es el fracaso según ese señor...have a nice day.

Angus Young... One of the biggest guitarists of the rock, always dresses of schoolboy producing honoring to the director of the college who expelled him in Sidney. Wonderful educational East, it was repeating constant to the gentleman Young, who was a failure, that the music rock was a limbo for vagabonds and that he would die in the poverty. On not having managed to bend Angus's vocacíon, he ended up by being expelled from the boarding school at which he was present... Here I leave a sample you of what is the failure according to this gentleman ... have to nice day.

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